


What is a Parish Council Business Plan

The Parish Council Business Plan sets the Parish Council's vision for the parish, its purpose, values, objectives and key priorities for the next three years. The aim of the Business Plan is to give Gedney’s parishioners' a clear understanding of what the Parish Council does and what it is trying to achieve. It details what the Parish Council intends to focus on over the next three years. The Business Plan is a live document that will be reviewed annually, used to drive the budget process, plan activities for the coming year and enable the Parish Council to monitor its progress against key priorities.

Why has the Parish Council decided to produce a Business Plan

 Having an agreed strategy provides a framework for the Parish Council to work within, enabling it to operate in a more consistent and co-ordinated way, to be proactive rather than reactive in its decision-making. The Council has based the Plan on understanding the community's needs gathered from day-to-day involvement with residents and other key organisations within Gedney Parish. At the same time, the Business Plan will help the local community to have a better understanding of what the Parish Council does and also clarify what it doesn't do; in other words to explain what issues fall under the responsibility of other delivery bodies such as South Holland District Council (SHDC) or Lincolnshire County Council (LCC). The Business Plan is a statement of intent; however, Gedney Parish Council may have to make decisions contrary to our stated commitments if events such as budget constraints, new legislation or changes in council policies make that necessary. Any changes will, however, be reflected in an updated plan. It will be a 'live' document, which the Parish Council will update, enabling it to track, and monitor its progress against the key priorities. Because the Business Plan will be publicly available, Gedney parishioners will also be able to monitor progress.

Overview of the Council

 There are three tiers of local government, each with different responsibilities.

Gedney Parish Council is the first and local tier, with an important role to play in promoting the three villages Gedney, Gedney Dyke, Gedney Drove End & outlying areas (Parish) representing its interests and supporting the work of different groups within the community.

South Holland District Council (SHDC) is the second tier and is responsible for services including housing and environmental services. SHDC is also responsible for strategic planning policies for all development (including housing and employment sites) via its Local Plan.


Finally, Lincolnshire County Council’s (LCC) responsibilities include highways, relating to both roads and footways (pavements), education, health and social services, public rights of way and libraries.

Residents elect Nine Parish Councillors every four years. The Council elects a Chairman and Vice-Chairman annually at the Annual Parish Council Meeting in May. The Council reports to the electorate at the Annual Parish Meeting held in March. Councillors are unpaid. Councillors commit their time to improving Gedney Parish and maintaining it as an attractive and sustainable place in which to live, visit and do business. Elections are held every four years, they were last held in May 2023. The next election will be in May 2027.

The Parish Council owns property and land in the Parish. The Council hold these assets on behalf of the community and are responsible for maintaining their value. The full Council meets on the second Tuesday of a month (meeting dates are on Notice boards and the web site) in the local village halls. All meetings are open to the public with a period set aside for members of the public to address the Council.

The Council works to its Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, these lay down the rules by which it operates and conducts its business. The Council also expect Parish Councillors to adhere to the Council’s Code of Conduct adopted from SHDC. Committees and working groups work to terms of reference agreed by the Council.

The Council Staff

The Council currently employs 1 part-time administration employee – the Clerk to the Council.

The Clerk administers the Council business and must carry out all the functions required by law. The Clerk is the Parish Council’s “Proper Officer” and only the Clerk can sign official documents on behalf of Council. The Clerk is also the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer (RFO). The Council uses contractors for a number of tasks including grounds maintenance services, and general maintenance.


Financial Information

 Income: The residents of Gedney (mainly through the ‘precept’) fund the Parish Council. The precept is the local tax levied by the Parish Council that SHDC collects on our behalf as part of the Council Tax bill.

Expenditure: The budgeted expenditure for the Council in 2023/24 is expected to be in the region of £51,000, Council gets this money from the following:

£40,000 from Gedney council taxpayers via the Precept

£3,750 from rents

An average of £1,200 from fees and charges

The rest is from allocated reserves


The main items of expenditure are:

• Office Administration, salaries, contractors and on-going expenditure (e.g., tree works, grants and donations, ground maintenance etc.)

• One-off projects (e.g., play areas, Queen Mother Nature Reserve improvement, village improvements, open spaces projects, major repairs, etc. where monies are often held in earmarked reserves)

• General grounds maintenance including, playing fields and play area etc. Council have fully allocated the budget for this year. Council’s unallocated reserve is money the Council holds in case there is a major problem that affects the Council’s business. This could be any disaster that requires major emergency funding. The Council also has allocated reserves. We put this money aside for long-term maintenance such as the children’s play areas and for future projects.


The Parish Council has the following responsibilities:

         The management, maintenance and development of open spaces including: the WMP Playing Field and Play area, the Queen Mother Nature Reserve, Dawsmere Cemetery, The War Memorial & Village Green Play area in Gedney Dyke and Allotments.

         Ownership and maintenance of bus shelters

         The provision of allotments

         The provision of small community grants

         Submitting comments on all planning applications and change of use applications in the parish as a consultee of the local planning authority (SHDC)

         The provision of litter and dog fouling bins

         The provision and maintenance of benches

·         The Maintenance of Amenity Grass areas within the parish (devolved from County Council)



The Council also represents the parish on several external organisations. The Council looks to reflect the views of the community by liaising with other public bodies and commenting on key strategic issues such as housing, planning, highways social services and education. Administrating parish council business, managing council finances, project managing, keeping residents informed of decisions and proposals that may affect them and dealing with enquiries is a core function that promotes the efficient and effective running of the council.



Good Governance Objectives:

Gedney Parish Council aims to be a professional, competent and caring Parish Council, to be open and accountable in all it does and to ensure the sound financial management of Parish Council resources.

The Parish Council aims to:

 · Be well-informed about the needs and opinions of the parish’s residents and businesses by consulting them on major issues

· Improve services to the public by encouraging members and staff to develop their skills by undertaking appropriate training

· Ensure we give Councillors the opportunity to keep abreast of new opportunities and policy

· Be a good and fair employer by providing fulfilling work opportunities and conditions for its staff

· Continuously promote public participation in all Parish Council meetings and initiatives

· Deal with enquiries and fault reports from members of the public speedily and efficiently

· Be an effective custodian of the Council’s property and document





The Parish Council has identified key priorities which it wishes to concentrate on over the next four years.

To provide a play area in Gedney Village

To continue to improve Queen Mother Nature reserve.



Version Number

Date Approved

Amendments made

Next Review Date



Initial draft







September 2023
