Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 12th March 2024 at Gedney Victory Hall, commencing at 7.00pm.


Chaired by Cllr R Rollings


Also present: District Cllr J Reynolds, County Cllr Coupland, Mrs J Ripley Parish Clerk and 9 members of the public.


1. The Chairman welcomed all present.


2. The minutes of last year’s meeting held on 14th March 2023 were taken as read and were accepted as minutes.


3. The Chairman gave a report on council activities during the past year:

We started the year with a full council and regained the Power of Competence, but this was short lived as 2 councillors resigned.

A sign has been erected in W.M.P. Car Park informing Drivers that contents are left at their own risk. Rubbish bins have been removed and along with a new one have been put at the exit of the park so that rubbish can be removed by SHDC.

All play areas and equipment have been cleaned and the tree surveys done the small amount of work required will be carried out in the Autumn.

Lights in Pit Lane and Marsh Road Gedney Drove End have at last been replaced.

Speed Watch has been set up again in Gedney Dyke but no feedback yet on its results.

Coronation Mugs were handed out to the children in the 2 schools and the broken Bench on Gedney Green was replaced by District Cllr Jo Reynolds and a plaque added to commemorate the Coronation of Charles 111.

Thanks to a successful application to UKSPF we are able with a grant from the Wind Farm and a donation from District Cllr. Jo Reynolds to erect a zip wire in WMP and go ahead with purchasing and planting a Hedge and a Wildflower Meadow in Queen Mother Nature Reserve. These projects will go ahead when the weather allows.

Hopefully negotiations are progressing with SHDC on putting some play equipment on the ground behind Batemans Close.

We are continuing with SHVCS car share scheme.

We are still waiting for the disgusting state of Engine Dyke in Gedney Dyke to be addressed.

Still no Village sign for Gedney Dawsmere, this was requested and has been chased for 3 years now.

No update on the request for pavements either side of Main Road, Gedney Drove End.

Cllr Reynolds is still waiting for an update on Seagate Mill Gedney Dyke.


Now the Thanks


Thank you to Cllr. Reynolds and Cllr Shaw for checking the Defibrillators each week in the 3 Villages.

Thank you, Cllr Shaw, for checking and positioning the passive speed signs.

Thank you to all the councillors for their input.

Thank you to District councillor Jo Reynolds for all her support and help with funding. And last but not least to our Clerk Mrs Ripley Who goes above and beyond to keep us on the right track.

Let’s hope we can continue with our objectives and get some problems solved in the year to come.




4. Financial Report from the Clerk to the Council & RFO.

For the financial year 2023-2024 the total income for Gedney Parish Council is expected to be in the region of £58,500.00 with expenditure estimated at £45,000.00.

The Precept for the year was £40,000.00.

Other income has been generated from Cemetery fees at £2425.00 & Allotment rents at £3900.00. Council has also received £7370.00 of grant funding this year.

The Accounts for the previous year were signed off by the internal and external Auditors and the notice displayed for the required period on the Parish Web Site.

All Gedney Parish Councils financial information is available on the Council web site.





5.  Any other matters from members of the public: None

There being no further questions the meeting was closed at 7. 05pm.

Confirmed and approved.

Sign:                                                                                        Date: