E Mail




Policy for Complaints about a Parishioner/Parishioner Disputes to Council


Procedure for handling complaints or disputes received by the council or individual councillors regarding Parishioners properties.


On receipt of a complaint regarding a dispute or complaint by a parishioner against another member of the community do not offer an opinion or act at the initial stage.


If complaint is via email send a reply which states ' I acknowledge receipt of this mail and have forwarded it to the clerk for inclusion at the next meeting of the Council.'


Verbal complaints should be acknowledged in a similar manner.


Letters should be forwarded to the clerk or brought to the next meeting.


At the next meeting of the council the complaint/dispute will be discussed (in closed session if needed) and a course of action agreed.


If the complaint/dispute is within the remit of the District or County Council, the matter will be referred to the local representative.


If the matter is felt to be within the Parish Council remit the following actions will be taken:

i) The circumstances giving rise to the complaint will be reviewed, either by local knowledge or appointing two councillors to visit both parties and establish the facts. No action will be agreed with either party.

ii) If it is established that the cause of the problem is due to ill health or hardship the Council will endeavour to secure help to resolve the issue.

iii)  Councillors will report back to the next full meeting of the Council and if the complaint is found to be genuine then a letter will be sent requesting action to resolve the issue.

iv) The complainant will also receive a communication outlining the Council's findings and action.


If the action taken by the Council does not resolve the issue, then the complainant will be advised to take independent legal advice as it is not the Councils policy to enter neighbourhood disputes.


Version Number

Date Approved

Amendments made

Next review Date


March 2018


September 2022


March 2024


March 2028